J. Cole Breaks Records Over in the U.S with #1 Album
It really is turning into a Cole World! J. Cole has landed his first number one album after serveral delays and with little radio support, proving that once your favourite rapper has ...
Introducing FreshMusic TV
Two young guys from the North of Ireland have launched an online channel to help Irish HipHop acts get themselves out there, the channel is FMTV.
Scot Kinkade and Chris Douglas, both ...
Rihanna Names New Album – Drops November 21st
R&B superstar Rihanna has announced the title of her upcoming album. The diva will be releasingTalk That Talk on November 21st. She debuted the album title on her Facebook page. ...
Jay Makes Light of Lil Wayne Beef
As is the current trend in the rap world, yet another feud has emerged over the past few weeks between two of hip-hops biggest names. This time the stars who are in the midst of a verbal ...

New Irish Hiphop: Class A’z – I’m Back
The Class A’z announce their return with this the first single from the forthcoming “On Tick” Mixtape, which shall be out shortly as a free download. Red and Tera ...

Maverick Sabre up for MOBO!
First held at the Connaught Rooms , London in 1996 this event was originally launched to celebrate “Music of Black Origin”. The definition has since morphed a little as ...