Breaking News: Hip-Hop Legend Heavy D has Died
Hip-Hop legend Heavy D has reportedly died this evening, another of Hip-Hop’s golden era gone too early. While rumours have been circulating in the past half hour, Rap Ireland ...

New Irish Hiphop: Lethal Dialect – Keep It Real
We promised you more brand new music from Lethal Dialect was on the way and here it is – ‘Keep It Real’ is the much anticipated first official video release from the ...

Talib Kweli Annouces Black Star Reunion for 2012
In an interesting interview with MTV, talented MC, Talib Kweli announced that he and Mos Def are working on Black Star project for sometime next year. He stated that-
“Me and ...

MF Doom speaks on his creative process and Alter-Ego Viktor Vaughn
One way to describe MF Doom is that he is most certainly a character. And a very interesting and obscure character at that. This week at the Red Bull Music Academy, Doom sat down to ...

Young Jeezy confirms to Whoo Kid that Eminem will appear on TM 103
DJ Whoo Kid, who played Dublin last Friday night, was first with the exclusive from Young Jeezy that the line up for the third installment of the Thug Motivation series is looking to ...

Odd Future kicked off Big Day Out line-up over homophobic lyrics
It hasn’t been the best week for Odd Future when it comes to publicity. Just last weekend rumours were rife over Left Brain, one of the group’s members, allegedly assaulting ...