Maverick Sabre hits No.2 in the UK Album Charts behind Lana Del Rey

It has been a good week for Maverick Sabre, with the Irish star releasing his debut album, which promptly rocketed to the No.2 spot in the UK album charts. Without doubt the biggest export from the Irish Hip-Hop scene, it is Maverick’s soulful and ghostly singing and songwriting skills that have put him firmly at the helm of the UK music industry.

It is expected that the Wexford based artist will enjoy a second week of strong sales and maintain his chart-topping position. If you happen to be in the South of Ireland, Maverick Sabre performs in Harveys, Waterford tonight for a once-off special performance. is your #1 source for celebrity news, gigs, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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