Jim Jones Fires Back at Dame Dash; Pokes Fun at Freddie Gibbs Shooting in Brooklyn

It would appear that Jim Jones is embracing the role of keyboard warrior of late, as he engages in two online wars of words, with former Hip-Hop mogul Dame Dash, and Indiana rapper Freddie Gibbs.

Gibbs, the rapper who played Dublin’s Twisted Pepper last month, was the victim of a shooting after a concert in Brooklyn last week. In recent weeks Gibbs had been taking repeated jabs at Jim Jones online, insinuating that the Dipset capo was a “wannabe blood gang member” and even ridiculing his weight on Instagram:


Jones was obviously none-too-pleased by the ridicule, and was quick to jump on Twitter following the shooting, making a pointed remark towards Gibbs:


However that was all very mild compared to the shots Jones was firing back at Dame Dash, with Jim apparently losing his cool over the long-running beef and drawing attention to Dash’s highly publicised financial issues:

“Somebody ask this d**khead @duskopoppingtondame if his car note n rent is paid this month or is he still sneak thieving his own people to pay bills he can’t afford smh why did u fire David Chang cause u put a car in his name n didn’t want to pay th car note which is ur bill n then u put hands on a defenseless Chinese man why u dont do tht tuff shit like u said to a real tuff nigga like my self oh cause u a f***t sneak thievin c**k sucker dam dame u went out like a bad batch of tht scaggy postin pics wit@mr_camron aint gone save u bro u need Jesus lol Byrd nigga n when u see me u know whts up aint nothin change nigga lmao this should b fun exposure lol is this wht U wanted to b back in th game right well here’s ur introduction n u owe me bout 5k cash from all them 100 dollars I was givin u Dailey like my side b***h”

Well then. Seems like we have a few highly strung keyboard rappers on our hands.

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