Sometimes a business move backfires badly. This is one of those times. Labelled a “bloodsucker” over the weekend by Occupy Wall Street spokespeople, Jay-Z has today removed his “Occupy Wall Street” brand of T-Shirts from the Rocawear clothing line. Jigga had initially been selling the T-Shirts, which emblazoned “Occupy
Wall Streets“, but came under serious fire when it emerged none of the profits were going towards the worldwide “Occupy” movement, but rather into the rapper’s back pocket.
Rocawear had released a statement on the matter before the weekend stating “The ‘Occupy All Streets’ T shirt was created in support of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement. Rocawear strongly encourages all forms of constructive expression, whether it be artistic, political or social. ‘Occupy All Streets’ is our way of reminding people that there is change to be made everywhere, not just on Wall Street. At this time we have not made an official commitment to monetarily support the movement.”
This outraged those on Wall Street, who saw this as a corporation’s move to cash in on a people-based movement. As controversy grew over the weekend and Jay-Z continued to refuse to share profits from the sales, this morning it has been announced that the T-Shirts have been removed from circulation. Better luck next time Jigga!